Joined: 2/27/2011 Posts: 353
Hi guys!
I notice that a lot of you guys are fairly new here (welcome!) and are having an attack of shyness when it comes to asking for reads for your newly-posted manuscript. So to help alleviate that, I'm creating this thread. Got a new project you want eyeballs on? Tell us about it here!
Good luck!
Colleen Community Manager
Joined: 2/25/2012 Posts: 20
I actually just tossed a new discussion post onto the forum, but I suppose it can't hurt to sidle in here, as well. I've uploaded several chapters of my novel Unfit, and I sigh a little each time I sign in and see that I still have no reviews. Even if they're not particularly flattering, I'd love to hear some thoughts on how it reads!
Joined: 8/21/2011 Posts: 394
Hi, Harper - I've added your book to my list.
And welcome to Book Country!
Joined: 2/25/2012 Posts: 20
Thanks a bunch!
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 1
Hi! An attack of shyness would be an understatement! Thank you so much for providing an opening. I have posted the first chapter of my novel, "Defenders of Rades." It is an unusual blend of sci-fi/fantasy. I'd love to know what people think.
Joined: 2/27/2011 Posts: 353
Hi gang!
Welcome to Book Country! =)
Joined: 4/29/2011 Posts: 26
I just uploaded Elven Soul to the high/epic fantasy section, and would love a few reviews.
I'll do my best to R&R in return. :3
Joined: 2/25/2012 Posts: 20
To Carol and Rachel, I'm just about to curl up with some tea and check your stories out. ^-^
Joined: 1/31/2012 Posts: 16
I like to think of "Once a Knight" as Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the style of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Or maybe the other way around. It's not subtle, and it's not epic, but it's funny...
Joined: 5/10/2011 Posts: 88
Hi All!
Thanks for posting! I'm going to add your books to my shelf - looking forward to reading!
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Colleen - Thanks for providing another avenue for this genre. I recently posted what I guess would be considered a short story - Aequitas - in the fantasy section. While it's gotten some looks, it's still pretty low in the review column. It's really difficult for any writer to get feedback from peers when said peers don't review, so I'm hoping maybe this will prompt a little feedback - even if it's constructive criticism! Thank you!
Joined: 12/30/2011 Posts: 4
Very nice of you to start this. I would love to have some readers. Only one so far. My book is called The Adventures of Ai. Its a fantasy for children and their tiger parents It contains some subtle guidance for my 3 beautiful young daughters as they approach the teenage years. I published one book before and recently came to the site to find some readers to help me make this one better. Last week I got very lucky as Ai was accepted by a very good literary agent. So, now the pressure is on. If anyone can give me advice I would really appreciate it.
Joined: 9/3/2011 Posts: 4
I uploaded a tentative first chapter of my book, What Comes Next! I would love to have some readers.
Joined: 3/12/2011 Posts: 376
I just posted a full length Urban Fantasy, "Drag.Race". It's the third in the 'Artifice' series of novels.
If you're looking for action, adventure, and maybe even a little bit of romance, give it a look see!
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Okay, gang - I vow to read and review all of these... if you all swear to me you'll do the same for mine! Haha!
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
And Robert - does reading your third require having read the previous two? If so, it's going to be a bit until I get to that one.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Okay, I hope I'm not talking to myself on this thread now, since I've been the only one posting for a couple of weeks. I just want you all to know that I have put all of your books in my queue and will read and review each one. Please do the same for my work, Aequitas! Thank you!
Joined: 6/28/2011 Posts: 188
I recently uploaded the first three chapters of The Last Tragedy to the site, and I've decided to devote my lunch hour to reading and reviewing other books in this thread.
Thanks, everyone!
Joined: 3/12/2011 Posts: 376
@Laura - actually, I commented then forgot to follow. In the author's note, I specifically asked for critique regarding how well the novel stands alone. It's part of a series, but not an endless, each novel gets more 'in' than the last series. More of a set of stories with common characters in a common world. I actually got a five star review from a reader of the second book, who said she doesn't normally review 'middle-of-a-series' books, but with this one she didn't realize it *was* the middle book until she finished and saw the 'Artifice, Book Two' on the cover while writing her review.
@Nyx - I'll take a look!
EDIT - Um, Nyx? I don't see your chapter up there...
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Robert - I'll add "Drag.Race" to my list, then! I'm almost done with the ones I've already got, so yours is on deck! 
Joined: 4/6/2012 Posts: 12
I would love some readers - please and thank you! Check out my project and, to return the favor, I will gladly read and critique your work as well.
Thank you!
I'd look, but for unknown reasons your posted work isn't showing up on your profile.
Joined: 4/6/2012 Posts: 12
Thank you Jay for the head's up. I will look into this and, hopefully, fix it.
Joined: 3/17/2011 Posts: 88
Hey Adelaide,
The trouble seems to be that you've only reviewed a single book. The minimum, I believe, is three reviews before you can post your own work for critique.
Joined: 4/6/2012 Posts: 12
Kevin is correct, but this has been remedied and, as stated before, I would really appreciate some visitors.
Thanks again, Addy
Joined: 3/21/2012 Posts: 33
I posted another book, Tenko and The Guardians, and I would love to know how I did. I have a romance novel up too that is on hold, but I'd still love to heard what you all think. Please and thank you.
Joined: 12/17/2011 Posts: 11
Hi guys. Thank you Colleen for starting this thread! I wanted to find somewhere to find other newbies like myself who are posting their stories.
Joined: 5/28/2011 Posts: 22
I wouldn't mind a few more comments on my own book. I've updated basically every chapter that's posted so far. I've been on a bit of a reviewing binge, so I'll start reading through some of the work here (Already have G J Marshall down, now to start moving up the list).
I've been off and on with my participation with this site. I wrote something I'm excited about the other day though, and would love a review of it... it is called "The Song the Bards Won't Sing"... I'll be making the rounds on a few people who posted before me, but let me know what you think and I specifically want feedback on my first glance at YA fantasy.
Joined: 4/6/2012 Posts: 12
From one newbie to another, welcome GJ!
Tim Gordon and Revenant, I will take a look at what you have posted and do my best to review them this weekend.
Joined: 4/19/2012 Posts: 1
I'm new to this site, and I just have two chapters posted so far and I would love to have some feed back. I am will to read others works as well. Thank you.
Joined: 12/17/2011 Posts: 11
Hi Astria, Adelaide, Tim and everyone else. I've started going through the more recent requests of reviewing on this thread. I've given it a go but I have to admit, some of the more experienced reviewers are much more professional than I am. But I do give it my all, and my reviews are not personal, just help that I would like from others for my writing. So please, take a look at my effort if you havent already done so? My goodness there are some really talented writers on this site. Its quite a humbling lesson.
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
I'm happy to read fantasy if anyone wants a review or wants to do a reading / reviewing swap. I have a newish project up that could use more eyes. (If there are more than a few wanting reviews it may take me several days to get to them though. I have a bit of a backlog right now because of IRL stuff getting in the way.. hoping to have that eliminated by Wednesday though!)
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
I started to post up the new chapters due to request on Hands of Ash. Feel free to wait before any of you do a review , but go ahead an put me on your list if you so desire.
As for reviews, I have me own backlog I should get to.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
HI guys. I'm posting revised chapters of Aequitas now as well, so please check them out when you have a chance. I've added all of your books to my shelf. Thanks!
Joined: 5/28/2011 Posts: 22
Took my book down for about a week to address some consistent critism. It's back up again, so I'll get those reviews out over the next week or so.
Joined: 4/6/2012 Posts: 12
RJ, I've started on yours and hope to wrap it up this weeked.
LeeAnna, Laura and Tim: I've added your books and will try and finish them before the end of the next week.
Joined: 5/4/2012 Posts: 1
This is me not being shy...Greetings all! I'd like to add myself to the newbie list on this site. I recently uploaded some chapters of my book The Seven Crystals of Jordan and would love feedback from people who are not in my physical social network, and are familiar with the epic/high fantasy genera. I'm not currently in any writing network so I am excited about this site. My real-life career has me away six days at a time but I will be reading and reviewing as time permits. Thank you! I look forward to your thoughts.
peace love laughter, curtis
Joined: 6/20/2011 Posts: 4
Hi. I uploaded the first five chapters of my book, Collide, on the site and would like to get some readers, reviews, constructive criticism, etc. So, feel free to give it a look.
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
I've just uploaded the first chapter of my latest piece of madness, Frozen Orrery, and I need a few reviews to know where I need to go with it. I'm also currently rewriting my urban fantasy, Slide The Scales From My Eyes, and any input would be most welcome.
Here's a rough idea of what you're going to see:
Frozen Orrery
The crew of the TONQ Aegis find themselves building an unusual alliance as they hunt the secrets of a deadly cult and its connection to the Dead Planet. A Fantasy Space Opera involving geocentricity, martial arts and space going rowing boats!
Find it here: http://bookcountry.com/Books/BookDetails.aspx?bookId=127720
Slide The Scales From My Eyes
Student and part time barwoman Lea finds herself dragged into an impossible world, where emotions are physical forces, tangential to our own as she becomes the focus of a strange cult and her untrustworthy bosses.
Find it here: http://bookcountry.com/Books/BookDetails.aspx?bookId=122882
Joined: 6/13/2012 Posts: 1
Thanks Colleen. Hi, everyone, I just joined and put up a YA novel called Vertere. Still learning how to navigate around here. Look forward to talking with you folks.
Joined: 8/18/2012 Posts: 3
I'm going to upload a completed 'book' that the more I think about it, not sure what genre to place it in. I think that would be my main problem at this point. I'm thinking general fiction with elements of sc-fi and fantasy but not enough to put them in those genres without...offending hard core readers of those genres. Exellent site, Colleen. The best I've come across as a resource and community. Look forward to reviewing the works of others. Writing is a fascinating process.
For your book to show up for review you need to contribute a bit by reviewing other posted work. I'm not certain of the count but I think it's two.
Joined: 3/14/2011 Posts: 226
Hey everyone, While I'm working on another manuscript to post here in a couple of weeks, I thought I't throw up a short story I'm thinking about publishing on Smashwords (I've had it on my website as a Free Read for almost a year, but want to give it more exposure). I *think* it's Contemporary Fantasy--it's based on the ballet "The Nutcracker," as a 'what happened after Clara grew up?' scenario. Any comments/criticisms/help to make it publishable would be greatly appreciated!
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
I've just posted up the first chapter of my 2012 Nano 'House Guardian'. It's a very rough draft at the moment (if for nothing more than my utter inability to invent names at the drop of a hat), but I'd still love some feedback. It's a very-Harry Potter esque tale, but with darker, more adult themes (I'm roughly shooting for a YA audience). Well, that's the idea at least.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 26
Thanks for this thread Colleen 
I just posted a few chapters of a comic-fantasy project: "Cosmigraphicus Mysteriosum".
Like, say "If On A Winter's Night A Traveller" or "At Swim-Two-Birds", the book `knows it's a book'...
i.e. It's self-reflexive, and a comment on the art of writing itself. (So, maybe not everyone might `get it'.)
But - would absolutely love and welcome any feedback/thoughts!
JoeTV http://on-writering.blogspot.com/
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
I just loaded up Storm Without End -- some people who have read some of my books might remember the cast. Complete and total rewrite, so very little (read: characters only) is the same.
Joined: 10/17/2012 Posts: 1
I recently self published via CreateSpace but would like to get some feedback on the book. I'm so new to this and am one of those "shy" people you referred to on your post, but I am trying to figure everything out. What I'm not sure of is whether or not I can still upload all or part of my book here. Any help would be appreciated
Post a link to it.
Joined: 11/8/2012 Posts: 3
Hi, I am a new user and I have just uploaded my first chapters... I would like to see if anyone finds them worth continuing.