You need to review a few of the books posted before you're work appears to others.
Joined: 11/8/2012 Posts: 3
Thank you for the heads up I have now officially posted my work.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Hey, gang. I've added a new chapter to Aequitas, so those of you who are following and have read, I'd love it if you'd take a look. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Joined: 3/7/2011 Posts: 55
Hey all-- I just uploaded the first chapters of my current work-in-progress. This goes against my usual practice of not seeking critique until I have a finished draft, but something isn't quite clicking for me on this one, and maybe some fresh eyes can help me figure it out.
It's "Way of the Shield", my latest upload.
My name is Jennifer Hopkins and I am the co-author of the fantasy series "The Immortal Champions Saga," which is self published on B&N and Amazon. The first two full length novels and a short prequel have been released and I just posted a few sample chapters of Masks & Daggers (An Immortal Champions Short) to my profile. I would love to hear what people think!
Joined: 1/20/2013 Posts: 1
I am an aspiring writer and have begun to upload by book Civilization. It deals with Rose's journey to find the truth in the face of ignorance. My hope is that I get plenty of comments, from good to bad, so I can see how to improve my book!
Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
Hi ImmortalChamps, be sure to mention in your author note what kind of feedback you're looking for. For example, are you looking for in-depth critiques of your work, or do you simply want to gauge people's response to your work so that you get some ideas for where to take the series in the future.
Cheers! Nevena from Book Country
Its been a little while since this thread was updated, but I thought I'd post here anyway. I've updated my first couple of chapters and would love some feedback!
My book is called Saving Isondier and its a dark, epic fantasy.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 56
Hey everyone! I've been on the site for a while, but haven't been particularly active. But hopefully that will change in the near future. I would love some general feedback on those all-important first few pages of my novel Raven Son, a literate fantasy based on Russian fairy tales. Here's the pitch:
The song of a Syrin. The arrival of a wandering Prophet. The death of the Covenant Tree. All signs of the imminent storm. Yet young Voran has a secret hope - the Living Water is rumored to have appeared again after a thousand years. The Living Water, which will disperse all evils. The Living Water, which can potentially give immortality. But Voran is not the only seeker. Hard on his heels is a ruthless enemy - the Raven, a dark spirit who has the power to possess men's bodies and wills. Torn between the promise of Living Water and his own hidden desires, Voran must face an evil that never shows the same face twice. But the more Voran knows, the more he begins to fear: What if the only way to save his people is to let them be defeated?
Jennifer, no one can see your book till you demonstrate a willingness to "do unto others," by reviewing the work of others.
In general, I looked on Amazon and saw several important issues that I think you need to know about, but since there's no mail on this site I can't contact you. So maybe do a good turn or two and people will be able to return the favor.
Joined: 2/5/2013 Posts: 3
Hi everyone! I just joined and have posted the first chapter of my urban fantasy Demon Road. Would very much appreciate some feedback.
I've jotted down other titles from this thread and plan to review starting with the least-reviewed ones first.
Joined: 2/1/2013 Posts: 3
I've recently posted a couple of chapters from my fantasy novel The Legacy of Alasia: Dark Descent and would appreciate some feedback. I will try to read some of the books in this posting and do the same. Thanks.
Joined: 2/21/2013 Posts: 4
I just posted the first three chapters of my YA Fantasy, Goddess Rising and would love some feedback! It's something completely new for me, so any suggestions and comments are welcome. Thanks!
Joined: 2/23/2013 Posts: 3
I just posted three Chapters of my supernatural fantasy thriller to the website. It is called The Shepherd's Crook and I would very much appreciate some feedback. The book is very dark and has been known to illicit nightmares in people who are not usually affected by books in this way. It is the first of a group of books surrounding a single character. I would very much appreciate the read and comments.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Olivia - I'm going to take a look at your book, if you'd be so kind as to do the same for me. It's a fantasy work called Aequitas, about reapers. There's some romance and action in there, too. 
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Jerrid - I'm also putting your book on my list for a read, as well as a few of the other folks who commented recently here. So glad that we have a fresh bunch of fantasy books popping up!
Joined: 3/10/2013 Posts: 1
hi. I am a new member. I would like to upload my entire 42,000 word novella. Should I do this one chapter at a time? Or, can I upload the entire novella as one chapter?
Neil Benson
I can't speak for the management, but a chapter at a time makes the sense. Most people won't read more then a few pages for the review.
A couple of things:
First, to upload and have it visible, you need to review a few stories, as a kind of pay in advance and to show your sincerity. I'm not certain, but I believe it's currently three.
Next, you need to look at why you're uploading. If it's to get readers, you might upload the entire thing, but in general, comments on the first five pages will apply to the entire manuscript, because people are critiquing, not editing. So if someone says, for example, that you need to get deeper into the character's POV on page three, that applies to the entire story, because it's a structural comment.
In general, I'd say to upload a few chapters, and as part of the author's note, mention that if people read what's posted, and want to read more, to mention that as part of their comments.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
I second Jay's orientation message. It's always tempting to just put our work up for public consumption, but I like the fact that BC requires contribution before you're allowed to post. It helps get one in the "habit" of doing other writers the favor of a read/review before expecting it in return. For me, it kept me reviewing other works, even once mine was live on the site. Also, my experience here has been that unless it's an unbelievably compelling work, most folks don't have the time to devote to reading an entire book/work. Throw a bunch of chapters up and see what happens. Or go for it and post the whole thing, but don't expect a whole lot of comments on the whole work. And I can attest from first-hand experience that what Jay says about the technical stuff and people's comments holds true. Good luck!
Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
Hi Neil,
At this juncture, you should upload your manuscript chapter by chapter. I know this is more cumbersome than a single file upload, but we're currently working hard on making the upload process better and we'll re-launch with the changes this summer. I promise, it will be great!
If you have any suggestions about improvements or site ideas, feel free to post them here: http://bookcountry.com/Community/Discussions/Default.aspx?id=137674.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Jay and Laura, thanks for the assist.
Nevena Book Country Assistant
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 56
Hello everyone! Just put up a first chapter for a new book I'm working on: http://bookcountry.com/Books/BookDetails.aspx?bookId=138671 Ever wondered what it would be life to live in a Russian monastery? No? Maybe you should. Yes, obviously you'll be expected to get up at 4:30 am every day, to clean up after the cows, to eat the same brownish beans-barley-bleh morning and night. But did you know that just outside the monastery the mermaids come out every full moon? Did you know that the best riddler in the county is a giant disembodied head that sleeps just over that hill? If you're very lucky, you might even see a firebird or two. Just don't grab their feathers right after they fall off - you'll get a proper burn!
Would love any and all feedback! Thanks!
Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
This sounds interesting. Will give it a read.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 56
I've also redone the all-important first few pages of an older book I've had on here for a while, Raven Son. If you all have a few minutes, I would love to hear your impressions of just the first page or two. Do they grab you or do they leave you feeling "meh?" Thanks!
Joined: 6/28/2011 Posts: 188
This doesn't count as a "new" project, but I've uploaded a relatively drastic revision of the opening chapters for The Last Tragedy. Any feedback is appreciated.
Joined: 3/10/2011 Posts: 3
I just posted a fantasy story, HEART OF MARBLE. It doesn't fit perfectly on the genre map. I chose urban fantasy, but it may be a fantasy-romance (Is a fantasy-romance automatically a paranormal romance?). Whatever it is, it definitely has superheroes.
It's long-ish (~20,000 words), so if you're looking to hit your 3 crits consider reading a portion of the work and critiquing that. I'd appreciate it if you mentioned how far you got when you leave your review.
Joined: 3/12/2011 Posts: 2
i've uploaded a brand spanking new Chapter One of my fantasy story, Boot City, with more chapters to follow. on the genre map, it falls in traditional fantasy, mainly light with some comedy. this will be the first in a series set in this universe. this particular story arc leads to a sequel. mainly i'm trying to have fun with this and build a world people would want to visit. i already feel like i live there. thanks, y'all! and i'm doing my best to review for other posters in this thread. thanks to colleen for setting this up.
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
I've just uploaded the first chapter of my latest creation, Dyson Academy. Straddling the line between fantasy and SF, it's my effort at creating a NA novel running on more than a little insanity, for an open submissions category. It tells the story of the only Terran student at a university for the galaxy's strangest, where magic and mayhem are more expected than unwanted. I've only written the first chapter, but she's already stolen a golden snitch and met some relatively nice aliens, so things are going well.
Joined: 5/13/2011 Posts: 1
I appreciate the thread. I have a new draft of The Wood up. It is, I hope, much better than the previous incarnations which leave it at 2 stars and wanting.
Please take a look at my talking animals, adult fairy tale, socio economic parable.
It is called The Wood. I promise to comment on your review and review your work too. I have feelings, but do not worry too much about blasting them to pieces.
Joined: 5/8/2013 Posts: 25
Hi! I'm brand new here, and quite daunted by the amount of high/epic fantasy there is already! Mine is dark fantasy, the first of a series, and there will (eventually) be dragons. Otherwise it's just not real.
It's called The Faustine Chronicles: The Book of Fate. It largely involves fallen angels, psychopathic faeries, Classical and Viking societies smooshed together with 13thC European feudal systems, and an antagonist who is a cross between Vlad the Impaler, Henry VIII, and a smidgen of Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham. I have no idea if that will appeal to anybody. But there it is. I will do my best to review others in return!
Joined: 4/24/2013 Posts: 45
Another newbiew here.
Finally posted my own work. I did a bit of a twist on an old fariytale and some cliches.
It has a dragon, and a knight and a maiden.
But you'll find a traveling whore, a wolf cub, gay knights and more as well.
Let me know what you think.
Joined: 5/15/2013 Posts: 3
Dear Colleen: I am new to BookCountry but already love the idea of talking with so many talented people.
Hello, BC'ers! I love all the creativity on this site; not just the stories, but many of the reviews are so beneficial. I hope (as I see many of us say the same) that I can have something to offer. I'm happy that BC is considering opening up a YA section and, possibly, a place for children's fiction. I have a book, completed but not 'complete', that is for a much younger audience than most who subscribe to this site, but I do hope it entertains older kids, as well. It's Christian-themed -please, don't be intimidated- I had a lot of fun writing Debbie's adventure and I hope I can get a review (or two; or three; or...well, as many as everyone wants, on this site, yes?) It has unicorns, hence the title, 'The Unicorn Hero', and I believe it has some new, unexpected twists. Of course, I'll know once I get some wonderful, talented, most precious reviewers to take a look-see. (Please?) It is inspirational, in tone, but a basically simple message. There are also dragons, elves, trolls, giants, etc....but you may see the story along the same lines as 'The Wizard of Oz' or 'Alice in Wonderland'. (Spoiler: It's a 'dream' fantasy-allegory) (The book has 36 chapters, but there are only 6 uploaded, at this time.) Thank you, in advance, for any reviewers for Perry Tercel's 'The Unicorn Hero'. God Bless You! p.s.: Thank you, Colleen, for the blessing of your forum!
Here's a question. I label myself paranormal fantasy (not paranormal romance). My publisher labels me southern gothic. If I ever were to load up something for review here on BC, where would I put it??
Joined: 1/18/2012 Posts: 8
Greetings Colleen, I just started Quest for the Heart of the Mountain, I am having trouble getting others to look at it or post comments. I had another book posted and pulled it because of this. I can not grow as a writer unless I receive feedback about my work. I read others work and post comments but it's frustration when I do not get feedback from anyone. Please checkout my book and help a fellow writer grow. Thank you.
Joined: 5/27/2013 Posts: 108
Well I am in the same boat as most of the new people here and wonder how to draw attention to my couple of humble chapters. IF there are any who would be willing, I would appreciate the review. So that no one is daunted by the 16,000+ word count, I can make it easier.
First I put the "Hook" chapter which will be the first chapter anyone will ever read in the story.
Each of the other chapters are really a read unto themselves and are an intro to sub-characters and sub-plot lines. While all of it will come together at some point in the story, I wanted people to be able to sample some of everything that will be to come.
So even if only one chapter is read and reviewed, it would help, and as each chapter deals with another character and their story, reading just one will not take away from the whole.
For fear of being an overload, I have not placed the 'villian' or his story yet, maybe some reviews on the heroes will inspire me to do just that?
As to those that feel the same as I do, I am sorry if I haven't gotten to your works yet and will work from my ever growing list. I have read and reviewed more books than I have days on this site. So I will try and do the same for others.
My opinion, more of this site seems stuck on posting or what not. While I am humbled by the talent I have come across here, I am a bit frustrated at not having the ability to drive people to my work, or to questions I have. Hopefully this post will get some attention?
I am also going to start a discussion about using different languages in the story to give it depth and could use some advice. Your help is appreciated in advance.
My book is "Hail Victory" and I think you can follow my profile to get the discussion I start. I need to make it, but it will be the only discussion from me, so should be easy to find.
Joined: 4/3/2013 Posts: 20
I just reposted a few chapters of my book "Coming out of the Dark." It is a Romantic Suspense novel about a woman who is kidnapped at age 15 and is rescued five years later. She is trying to reclaim her life and must trust a near stranger to protect her when her former captors come after her again. I would love any and all feed back. Thank you.
Joined: 9/9/2011 Posts: 3
Looks like I've found the discussion to find books here. Thanks for posting this, Colleen.
Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
Hi Mari,
I think your best bet would be Contemporary Fantasy or Urban Fantasy. Paranormal Fantasy is in fact a subset of Contemporary Fantasy, as is UF. I encourage you to mention that your books is a southern gothic/paranormal fantasy in your Author's Note to alert readers that this will perhaps be a slightly different "fantasy" than what they're used to.
Also, make use of the BC tags! I've created a "paranormal fantasy" tag so that you can have that in your book details.
Cheers, Nevena from BC
Joined: 5/20/2013 Posts: 6
Hello all,
I'm seeking critiques for "Rise of the Paramancers", my tale of geomancers (earth wizards) who use the battlefield as a weapon. Happy to reciprocate critiques within a reasonable timeline.
-James Russell
Thank you Nevena!!
Joined: 6/4/2013 Posts: 35
Hi Colleen, like everyone on this thread I have just joined, created a profile and review three books to my surprise I really enjoyed, have uploaded the first chapter of Fall of the Trident. The project is in the works at the moment and is a planned set of three books set in the ancient Greek times and is a Historical Fantasy in Genre. I have been writing this story for about five years and would welcome any and all feedback about it.
In advance thank you to all who respond.
Joined: 5/30/2013 Posts: 2
Hello everyone, I just uploaded my first book on here and my most recent project, Whisper and Shadow. It's sort of a mix of Contemporary Fantasy as well as High Fantasy. I just managed to finally get it uploaded and I would really appreciate feedback on it.
Joined: 5/13/2011 Posts: 2
I have posted a new draft of my story Girl Found. It is Urban Fantasy in futuristic soft SF setting. I would appreciate all critical reads. Thanks!
I would appreciate critique for my contemporary fantasy novel Via the Sidhe Route. It is the first book of a trilogy entitled The Glengoreth Treasures. There are a few chapters up so far of about 8,950 words. I feel confident in the plot I've built, I just need to know if I need to fix the delivery of the story. Am I not providing enough descriptions? Is it choppy? Do I ramble? Do you think it totally stinks? Please be harsh, I can take it, in fact, I welcome it.
I enjoy reading and giving feedback to other writers, so if you take the time to give me some feedback, I'd be happy to give your work a fresh pair of eyes as well. And, I just followed a few books from peeps requesting reviews, so I'll do my very best to get to them when I can. Thanks!
Short Description: "As soon as Lorcan is charged to protect the Dagda’s Heir, he screws up and is forced to work with the humans to protect the girl he’s forbidden to love."
Long Description: "Due to Salorg sightings, the Sons of Mil and Nyeena fairies are strengthening their alliance to ensure the protection of the Glengoreth Treasures and the Dagda's Heir, Keela, who is unaware of her heritage and lives the life of a normal human girl in the mortal realm of Ireland with her father Glendan and brother Cian. When she's not in school, she's badgering Jory, the Brownie farmhand, to tell her stories of the Elida Realm.
Carrick, head warrior of the treasures, who is responsible for training the Cuchulainn Warrior priestesses and keeping the arrogant arse High King Rawlthor appeased, has just given his warrior-in-training, Lorcan new responsibilities, which means the half-Nyeena leath needs to stay out of the pubs, quit flirting with Keela and stop pulling pranks on the Banshee. He thinks because he has already achieved a 4th degree gorm blade so early in his training, he is superior to even the full blooded Nyeena."
Joined: 4/7/2013 Posts: 26
First, let me say that this is a fantastic site! I've only been here a few days and learned so much! I will certainly appreciate the feedback I get from friends and family, but the help of other writers is something else entirely. I look forward to reading the comments that I get back on the first chapter of my first novel "Less than Honorable."
Second, please accept my appreciation for everyone else who puts their work out for review. I've enjoyed the half-dozen works that I've read so far, and I think I've learned a little from each one.
So, I look forward to exchanging ideas with everyone on this site.
Here is the link to my book: http://www.bookcountry.com/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=4242
--edited by David Pearce on 6/27/2013, 9:39 PM--
Joined: 1/23/2012 Posts: 36
Hey all! I've updated my ms, GOLDEN with more chapters for those of you who asked. I'd love to get more constructive feedback on the feel as the novel progresses....
Joined: 1/23/2012 Posts: 36
Oops! Forgot the link: http://www.bookcountry.com/Bookdetail.aspx?BookId=2866 
"Lissmore: City in the Trees" - See more at: http://www.bookcountry.com/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=4576#sthash.cac6boro.dpuf
(Please use the link here. An error happened when uploading this. One of my other books has the same title now and book details! Eeek! I'm trying to fix it. I don't know what happened.)
Author's Note:
Recently came up with this idea, and would like feedback to help me decide if I should flesh the story out more. I'd like to know: Do you think the plot works? Is it interesting? Are the stakes high enough? Did you connect with the characters? I have posted a few stories on Book Country, and I have others I've started. I have focus issues, and don't know which ones to put my energy into. So, would love to hear your thoughts on this one. Thanks!
About the Book:
In a world with almost no land, trees grow up for miles out of the ocean with wide branches big enough to build cities upon. Bars, like Gnarly Limbs and Club Moss, are built around sweet beer trees; the locals shop at Resin Threads and style their hair at Swoops & Sweeps. The residents travel between the streets by aerial tram cars, unless they have their jet stream license, then they can hop in the windsphere and travel the wind tunnels between the gaps in the trees. Only those who can afford it can connect with the power grid on the 10th level. All levels below this are vacant, and it's illegal to even traverse the lower branches of Lissmore. The Panel claims it is a cautionary measure to protect the citizens from the Beast that supposedly lives in the depths of the ocean. Lana is a student at Thistletown University, who is constantly butting heads with her handsome, but over-bearing professor, Phoenix. A mishap in class one day brings them together, and they start to unravel the secrets of their pasts. Phoenix and Lana are forced to face the painful figures that haunt them when the evil witches of the Belladonna Gang kidnap them for use in their spell to destroy The Panel and Lissmore City.
Joined: 6/4/2013 Posts: 35
hi everyone just letting you all know that we have uploaded a reworked version of our Historical Fantasy Trilogy called Fall of the Trident, we know that it is only the prologue but there will be more to follow in the coming days. Thanks in advance to any and all reviews of our work, your comments can only make us better writers.
J & S Collier
the Duo writing team.
It's not possible to review the work because before your work can appear you need to review a few works posted here. --edited by Jay Greenstein on 7/8/2013, 4:40 PM--