I once bought a pro-wrestler's autobiography and a book on Macroeconomics in the same trip to the register. What was that poor cashier thinking? Loved both books for different reasons. I write literary fiction, epic fantasy, and dystopian sci-fi. My short stories can be found in Saints and Sinners: New Fiction from the Festival 2012 and 2013, on Blipmagazine.net, in The Quotable, and on Pendulinepress.com. I've completed one novel, JESSE RULES, about a closeted Catholic school student's fall from grace in 1994 suburbia. (Not an easy sell so far...) I'm 90, 000 words into RISE OF THE PARAMANCERS, about a magical arms race in a realm of elemental kingdoms. I don't want to read or write the next version of the thing that just sold. I love black coffee writing - all boldness, no sweeteners. I love stories - reading them and writing them.