Joined: 5/8/2013 Posts: 25
Hi, I'm on about draft 9 of my novel, and would appreciate some feedback. It's called The Book of Fate and it's here: http://www.bookcountry.com/Bookdetail.aspx?BookId=4106 - - - this is the closest version I have to querying with. The prologue has undergone serious revision, and the entirity of Part I has been restructured. So I've only put up the first 4 or so chapters, because I'm interested in (a) whether the beginning makes you want to read on and (b) how they flow together.
Of course, all other feedback about any other aspect is greatly helpful as well!
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
@CM: Hi and welcome to Book Country! So excited to have you here.
Many congrats on posting the most recent draft of THE BOOK OF FATE, and thank you for letting us know that it's up for review.
Let me know if you have any questions about how to use Book Country. It looks like you are getting the hang of things very nicely!
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 6/15/2013 Posts: 1
If you can spare the time to review my first attempt at fiction I'd appreciate honest feedback. Please and thanks:
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi @Delphine--thanks for the heads-up about your chapters! It's one of the best ways for Book Country community members to be able to learn about new books/writing to read on the site.
Please let me know if you need any help navigating the site, and a big welcome to Book Country!
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
I've just uploaded the first two chapters of my new urban fantasy novel Chase The Demons From My Heart. As some of you might have guessed it's the sequel to my book, Slide The Scales From My Eyes (which is on sale on the BC bookstore. Yes that is a plug), starting about nine hours after the first ends. Knowledge of the first isn't necessary (and there's plenty of recapping) and I'd be hugely grateful for any opinions.
Short story collection "Welcome to Planet Nonsense, Coffin Corner, and The Fantasy Train". First two stories are now uploaded (there will be 20 to 30 in total). The first is Working for Bub, which I had posted before and this is a new draft. I haven't updated Via the Sidhe Route in awhile, letting it simmer, and I'm working on a few other things, included this collection.
Joined: 7/29/2013 Posts: 1
I recently posted the first 20 pages of my contemporary fantasy manuscript Viator, and I'd love to hear anyone's feedback. I'll be very happy to reciprocate! Thanks so much!
-Jane Ralston-Brooks
Joined: 8/13/2013 Posts: 1
Hi Guys,
I'm a new writer here and just posted my first book. I would love if someone would take a look at it for me. It's called the wolf squad. I would love some feedback.
Thank you in advance.
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi @John and @Jane! Welcome to Book Country! Thanks for letting the community know about your project. I see that you are both new to the site, so I just wanted to say howdy.
Check out our "New-to-Book Country" material if you have a minute:
And let me know if you have questions!
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
--edited by Lucy Silag on 8/27/2013, 10:40 AM--
There's nothing showing on your profile. If you've not yet reviewed someone else's work, you need to do that before people can see yours on your profile page. If you have, and the site is simply not showing it yet, post a link here.
Joined: 6/4/2013 Posts: 35
hey gang, just letting everyone know that my Co-Writer and I have uploaded a reworked first Chapter of our Trilogy 'Fall of the Trident' and that we are looking forward to reading your reviews. it is a Historical fantasy Story based on and Around the Legend of Atlantis, but has nothing to do with finding the city of Legend at all. We have set the story in a time period when the city and island itself where above the waves.
You need to do two things, one of which you may already have done:
First, earn your reviews by helping others with their work. Until you do that your own work won't be visible to others. Second, post a link here. The site software too often doesn't include a link to what's posted on your profile.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Hey, gang. It's been ages since I hung out here, but I miss everyone and am trying to jump back in. I'll admit that a lot of the reasoning had to do with my growing pains with the new site. I officially feel old - for all of the good changes to BC, it confused me and drove me away a bit. (I'm way too young to feel old when it comes to technology, btw.)
I loaded my revised chapters months ago, as well, and haven't gotten one nibble on them. So, that's why I'm commenting in this thread. It's not a new project, per se, but it's very much revised and I'd love to get feedback from one or two brave souls who read my previous chapters of Aequitas, and could tell me if I've improved (and how) or am circling the toilet (and how!).
I'd also love to get a few new folks to check it out. I'll be trying to find some new good reads, too.
So, hello all, and I hope to be more "present" here from now on. 
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Whoops. Just saw the reminder from a few of you to include the link to the book (called Aequitas formerly, now called Death's Justice) - http://www.bookcountry.com/PeerReview/BookReview.aspx?BookId=2791
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Laura--so glad you reached out to let us know about the title change and the new chapters! Looking forward to checking it out!!
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
It's been awhile since I was super active on this site as well. I recently posted the newly revised first 21 chapters of Hands of Ash. Here's the link: http://www.bookcountry.com/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=1446
Read enjoy, skim, whatever. I just can't wait till I can move this book aside to start the sequel, but some feedback would be nice.
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi LeeAnna--welcome back to the site! So glad to see you moving forward with HANDS OF ASH!
Congrats also on such a big revision!!
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 10/19/2013 Posts: 1
Hi everyone! I just recently joined the community and am looking forward to both reviewing some of the projects on here and hearing any thoughts and suggestions on mine My current project has been posted and I'd love to get a bit of feedback on it. Here's the link: http://www.bookcountry.com/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=5686
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day 
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi, Kayleigh!
Welcome to Book Country!
Thanks so much for posting a link to your project--makes it very easy for the rest of the community to get to it (and we love that). Just sent you a connection request and I'm gonna send you a PM so we can be in touch there if you need anything.
I hope you have a wonderful day, too!
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 10/7/2013 Posts: 65
Hi; I just uploaded "Warlock Love" about a week ago. Still waiting for feedback. Harper--I PROMISE to look at "Unfit" this weekend.
Joined: 10/7/2013 Posts: 65
Is Unfit still posted? I've tried to find it, but I can't. I've looked under you name and the title. 
Joined: 9/8/2013 Posts: 3
Hi there. I just posted the first two chapters of my novel. 'Rousing Magic' is the title I'm using right now, and I am in need of readers. So far my only reader/fan is my sister, so I would like some outside reviews.
Joined: 10/7/2013 Posts: 65
I check every day to see if I have any reviews for "Warlock Love".  Harper, I've looked for "Unfit", but couldn't find it. I'll try again.
Joined: 1/9/2012 Posts: 67
Hi, folks:
I've been updating my WIP The Fate Merchant for a while, but I accidentally removed it from the feedback stream after the website redesign (I hit publish instead of post. I'm an idiot.) It's now back up for review, and I'd love for you to take a look. Any and all comments welcome, and I'll gladly read and review in return.
Cheers, and happy writing.
Joined: 8/18/2013 Posts: 31
Tried to find it on your profile and couldn't see it 
Joined: 11/15/2013 Posts: 10
Hi I've recently submitted a YA urban fantasy novel for peer review, it's name is "Arcane". I hope you all like it.
Joined: 1/7/2014 Posts: 8
I'll try not to be shy, so I'll just put it out there:
The prologue of my novel draft is available for review now (after struggling with the upload for almost three hours, and feeling rather incompetent because of it...I mean... I have a degree, I should be able to put text in an editor, right?)
Would love to hear your thoughts. You'll find it on my profile 
Hey all. I'm a young writer trying to get some feedback from people who don't know me. I just uploaded my Urban Fantasy novel, The First Nine. The entire third draft is on here, and it's about 110,000 words. If you're interested in demons, lots of secrets, and fantasy, I feel like this book might be good. I'm open to any all all critiques, and if you read mine and want me to read yours, go ahead and send me a connection request and a message to let me know.
So yeah... here's the link: http://www.bookcountry.com/Bookdetail.aspx?BookId=6146
Thank you for your time!
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Linnea--Thank you for posting info about your book on this thread--love it when people do that, makes it much more findable for other members.
Your cover is GORGEOUS! What a beautiful image!
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 11/29/2013 Posts: 2
Hi, I've finally got up the courage to post up the first chapter of my novel and I'd really appriciate some feedback.
The novel's still in rough draft at the moment, but in total so far it's over 50,000 words long, so it's about half-way; and the first chapter, which I've worked on for about over a year or two now, takes place in a prison within a cliffside. There are mostly minotaurs and humans in this chapter, but also an undine, a stayr, and a race that, although my character only sees as Inflitrators for now, are in actuality known as, in the human/Tundrian tongue, "Ground-men". Lastly, although references are made to centaurs, you won't see them until much later on.
So...once I'm satisfied with the second chapter, and if I think that this novel is something that might be likeable (I'm a very nervous person about my writing), I'll post that one up too and then continue on Thank you.
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Feisty!
So glad to see you posting about your WIP on this thread. Welcome to Book Country--I am sorry I didn't say so sooner!
Just sent you a connection request. I love the way you've filled out your profile and let the community get to know you a bit. When we are connected I will get in touch and show you around a bit.
Happy writing and revising your book!
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 12/12/2013 Posts: 15
Hi, everyone. I've recently stuck a toe in the water and put up the first three chapters of my current contemporary fantasy WIP, The Lesser Evil, which can be found at http://www.bookcountry.com/Bookdetail.aspx?BookId=6282 It was a real challenge to summarize it, as when people ask me what it's about in person, I usually joke and say that it's like the Kabbalah and has to be experienced to be understood because I've put several odd elements together. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance if you do take a look!
Joined: 10/15/2013 Posts: 78
Hey all, very excited to be among such great Fantasy authors! I have really enjoyed reading the other manuscripts I've found and they've inspired me to keep writing in the genre.
I just finished making revisions to my high fantasy WIP entitled THE KINGS OF CARNIN: RISE OF ARI. I got some excellent feedback from BookCountry members on the second draft and have implemented a lot of the suggestions (I hope). The story is significantly changed in the beginning but tweaked for wording/character elements throughout. Also tried to clean up as much as I could. Probably not perfect but certainly an improvement.
You can take a read here: http://www.bookcountry.com/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=5663
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Congrats, Dan! So awesome that the reviews you got on BC were helpful to you, and of course I'm admiring your dedication and hard work as always! Way to go!
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 10/15/2013 Posts: 78
Thanks Lucy!
It's moments like this I'm thankful for a stubborn streak. Once I've decided on a goal it's a bullish charge until completion. Sadly I just need to set goals that aren't so ambitious they're unattainable.
Joined: 2/24/2014 Posts: 19
Hi all, I too would like some advice on the work I have uploaded here.
Joined: 5/20/2013 Posts: 6
Hello all. I'm seeking critical readers for the first three sections (50 pages) of "Rise of the Paramancers", my adult Fantasy inspired by vintage video games such as Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. It features four elemental kingdoms with unique cultures, wandless magic (more like yoga in my world, mixing mental discipline and physical fitness), sharp dialogue, characters breaking gender norms, xenophobia, and a fine cast of freakish monsters. I'm glad to reciprocate reading as well if you have a piece of near-comparable length.
James: I absolutely adore Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. I'll check your story out! (I'm technically banned from critiquing by a friend, but it's spring break...she won't know). You can read mine if you wish. Not sure if you'd like it and it's a lot longer than yours, so I won't blame you if it you don't. But still, I'll look at it tomorrow.
Joined: 5/20/2013 Posts: 6
Thanks! I'm checking yours out as well. I only hope my Devil Goddess turns out to be half the villain Queen Zeal was.
Joined: 10/15/2013 Posts: 78
James, you had me at "vintage video games". I'm a huge gamer (okay nerd) and anything taking inspiration from games has huge appeal. I am, however, NOT bound by friends to refrain from critiquing so I'll get one up as soon as I have time to give the book some attention.
Welcome to the party!
I've been working on a book called 'Dance of Shame' for a little less than a year now, but I'm new to BookCountry, and I'm looking for some readers. I'd be so grateful if some of you would give it a peek. Thanks 
Here's the blurb:
"I will never be able to forgive him for what he's done to you." Nivren shook his head pityingly. "All of it . . . Not just the punishment. The years of your life that have been wasted by indignity."
But Eli only shrugged. "He never knew. Nobody did."
Eli has never known anything besides self-hatred and scorn. The shame of being born out of wedlock follows him around like a disgusting stench that he can't shake off. His only wish is to escape from it. To find a future for himself.
But the lad's caretakers are insistent upon getting rid of him, which would be all fine and well for him, if they didn't plan on sending him to the military. It's not as if he had a choice in the matter anyway; life is limited for those who are born illegitimate.
Nivren is a prince, set on avoiding the crown that is destined for him someday. He does not want the responsibility, the weight of ruling an entire country. But he would still be willing to do his duty had it not been for his uncle, the King's insistence on him marrying the foreign Princess of Kuñora to unite the nations
The young prince runs away from home, furious with his uncle for attempting to control him so, to join the troops, where he feels he can be of some use to somebody, and live with a certain amount of freedom.
Meanwhile, a plot to usurp the throne is underway, and Nivren begins to fear for his life as well as his freedom. But there is another mystery that fills the courts . . .
The land of Kindor will be stained red, and there is little that can tame the onslaught of violence. It seems that the Kingdoms within will fall apart . . .
Joined: 6/4/2013 Posts: 35
Hi everyone
It has been a long time between uploads, have had a lot happen to me in the last few months. but now after reworking and replotting i have just uploaded the opening chapter to my WIP. So feel welcome to jump on over and check it out.
Joined: 3/3/2014 Posts: 7
I just posted a traditional fantasy, The Water Pearl, about stolen magic and its effect on a halfcaste who is torn between protecting himself from a soul sucking king and returning the magic to its owner for forgiveness and salvation.
Gloria Piper
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
I just put up the entire revised draft of my novel Hands of Ash for critique. I'm looking for responses to the whole book since I added 15 new chapters, and I'm really worried about them. I have yet to receive any feedback on them at all because this is my first time getting them all up. Let me know what you think!!!
Joined: 2/15/2014 Posts: 1
Hi all,
I am
fairly new to book country and I am enjoying every moment on here, everyone is really friendly and willing to help. I lack a writiers group at home and I have recently posted a couple of chapters for my WIP, Awaking Arion and I
would absolutely love some feedback!
Here is the link:
Or you can find it on the waiting to be discovered section on the manuscripts page.
Thanks a lot!
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Matt--thanks for posting about your book! It looks great--I like the cover!
Welcome to the community and thanks for the kind words. Glad you are enjoying it. Please let me know if you have any questions about using the site or connecting with other writers.
Lucy Silag
Book Country Community and Engagement Manager
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 56
Hello all! I've recently started a new WIP that I've now posted for peer review. I would be very grateful if anyone would check it out. I am also open to any reciprocal reviews. Thanks a lot! Here's the short summary of the book:
Elía knew him as the Healer, the legendary figure called to heal a land scarred by war, who mysteriously disappeared an age ago. But the sleeper she awakened is now an old man, scarred by a loss too deep for words. Elía must convince him to finish the quest he abandoned three hundred years ago before her home, her family, everything she has ever loved is destroyed by a deathless enemy. Can a girl whose own horrifying past deprived her of speech find the words to heal the Healer, before her world is destroyed?
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
Hi Amber--thanks for posting about your book, here and in the character thread. Sounds like you are charging full steam ahead with it. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your work and how you'll use the feedback that you get on the site.
Joined: 6/7/2013 Posts: 1356
@Voran: Great to see you back on the site with a new WIP! That's exciting news!
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 56
Thanks, Lucy! It's good to be writing again. The editor me was starting to get a bit too obnoxious for his own good 