Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Now, I know that throwing myself at people's feet probably shouldn't happen in the genre talk section, but I didn't know where to go. Since my book is classified as fantasy, then I figured this might okay. (Let me know if it isn't.)
I have finished my book and need some advice before I touch it again (and probably ruin something.) Sound off below if you're willing to take a look so I can check out some of your stuff. I think its only fair that if you scratch my back, I should scratch yours.
The name of the work is Hands of Ash. So far people's reactions are pretty polarizing, so you can see my dilemma. Thanks to those who are willing to help.
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
Hmm well, I'll take a peak. I'm stuck in an airport for at least 7 hours tomorrow and I do need something to do.
Also, I'll probably try and hijack this thread in later days to grovel for more reviews as well.
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thanks. I look forward to your scathing review.
Joined: 12/18/2011 Posts: 25
Since I've returned to being "bookish", I will give your work a read. Don't worry about getting any scathing comments from me, lol.... I genuinely enjoy reading other people's writing, and I tend to notice their thoughts more than their mistakes (if they make any). I'll be back when I've read Hands of Ash.
Joined: 11/30/2011 Posts: 2
I'm taking a mental break from an edit I'm doing and just finished a book sent to me for review so I'll be happy to take a look. My feedback is general as this site tends to cater to. Anything glaring (like characters disappearing or coming out of the aether) and I'll comment but don't worry, I'm gentle. Shutting someone down isn't my style.
Joined: 12/18/2011 Posts: 25
Read it, liked it, made me think of something I wrote 30 years ago... 
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thanks for all the reviews. Pretty much what I expected. You all focused on different things.
Joined: 12/30/2011 Posts: 4
Great the way you wear your heart on your sleeve. I'd be happy to read it. Any special things you would like comment on? Thanks for taking a look at mine if you have some time.
Joined: 1/23/2012 Posts: 36
I'm highjacking first, Tim.
Anyone board? My ms could use a few more reads.
Tim already gave a nice review (Thanx Tim!)
Happy Thursday!
Joined: 8/13/2011 Posts: 272
Don't worry about the hijacking. I'm just going to run with my usual approach of reviewing like a maniac and relying on the kindness of strangers.
Yeah, I'm doomed.
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 412
hijack train, enh? I will read you all when I get a shot, which is seldom these days. (no need to reciprocate, at this point, my one book up here has had plenty of feedback until I get a chance to edit it after finishing the serialization. )
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
No one hijacks my train! Muahaha! Well, not without giving me a review anyway.
I'm working on 21 now so I can put it up soon for those who have been nice enough to take a look.
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
LeeAnna - I'd be happy to read Hands of Ash, unless you'd rather I focus on one of your other works. And I admire your moxie for just coming out and asking for people to check it out and review. Hmm.... maybe I need to just be blunt about it. It seems, in my case, that people are visiting but not reviewing. As for which side of mine you feel like scratching, I have a police/sexy/crime work and a fantasy work. Please and thank you! 
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thanks, Laura. I have a little handwritten list that I'm keeping for when I get back to my revisions. I'm busy working on the 12 chapters I'm adding to this book that were originally intended for the second to help round it out.
Joined: 2/25/2012 Posts: 20
I'm new here, so I could definitely use some return back-scratchery. I'm on my way!
Joined: 1/10/2012 Posts: 192
Okay, LeeAnna - I commented on the 7 chapters of Hands of Ash that I read over the last two days (while at work!). I will read more, but didn't want you to have to wait forever for my comments, since I don't have time to simply focus on reading/commenting, so there you go! You've got a detailed body of work, so I hope it's okay that I only commented on the first seven, and I hope you find them constructive. When I read, I tend to become rather focused while wearing my "editor" hat. I hope that comes through. Please feel free to discuss anything!
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thank you for your time. Most people have commented on the grammatical flubs and point of view hiccups. It would be nice if you read the whole thing, and give me plot issues, or character actions that don't make sense. Basic story stuff that you just notice as you read. I have a hand written list of all the stuff I'm working on, and I'm looking for more when I start my next round of revisions after I add the next 11 chapters I'm working on. (I seriously thought I was done, but due to beta reader response, guess not.)
As an after thought, I have very few reviews on the whole posted enchilada. Most are on the first few chapters, so a complete read would be nice if you can manage it. I keep a note pad when I read. I don't now if you do the same thing. Oh, and don't forget to point out things you like. I find it fascinating to see what makes people smile.
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
I've got nothing but patience. Take as much time as you want. I couldn't be more pleased.
Joined: 5/3/2011 Posts: 4
I will be glad to read your book over the next couple of days. 
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thank you. I'm starting to put up the chapter additions. I have 21-26 written. 21 and 22 are up. Total count will be 34.
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
A long read, hrm. Okay. I'll just have to remember to take my laptop with me to work, and it'll get done. I warn you though, mine isn't finished. I'm adding 14 more chapters originally slated to the second book (which is to say, all but one of them) to round it out. I have 21 - 23 up. 24- 28 are in the you-can't-see-a-rough-draft stages. I don't know when they'll be up. Probably in a couple weeks.
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
I'm hoping to get yours started Sunday. Let's hope that life is willing to let me.
Joined: 5/28/2012 Posts: 43
Haven't reviewed anything in awhile but if you are looking for people to go over the whole thing, post here when you've finished (or reply and let me know I've overlooked that crucial post where you indicate that you've posted the rest of the chapters...). I have read and commented upon a couple of works in progress from other people, but there's always a danger of me calling something into question that gets adequately addressed later on. Or of failing to catch a plot point that gets dropped later on.
Side note: while I'm not the most active participant in these forums, it personally doesn't bother me that you ask for readers here. It's actually quite easy to overlook a lot of books that are posted here because it seems the same titles keep showing up when I browse.
When I post reviews, I tend to go through and just write whatever comes to mind. So there could be grammar and punctuation issues (and I really can't pass these up), questions about the culture of the society you've created and wider implications, comments plot devices and tropes, etc. I do admire anyone who chooses to put their work out in front of the public, so I try to be as nice and/or diplomatic as possible, and to offer only constructive criticism.
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
I'm working on trying to get it finished now, and remedying some of the POV issues with a couple of scenes. I'll post on here again when it's ready for another look.
Joined: 10/14/2012 Posts: 229
Hi LeeAnna Just to let you know, I'm back at your novel now. I know you were wondering about whether it was pacey enough to hold interest and I don't think you've any grounds for concern. I snuck off and did a couple of reviews on shorter works, just so I could post up my own creation, but now that's done, I have found myself looking forward to getting back to yours. Oh my, just like I would a BOOK book. G'luck, I'll be in touch when done! Michael
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 662
Thanks, Mike.
Oh god, another Mike. I'm related to two and know a small city of Mikes. I also know a Bob, Matt, and Tony. I just realized how many people with "standard" names I know.