Joined: 4/27/2011 Posts: 6
I am finding it extremely difficult to *see* books on here other than the buzz or favorites. Where is the overall lists per genre? The genre map is almost impossible to see, so if someone could tell me what 'button' I am missing I'd be grateful.
Joined: 4/27/2011 Posts: 6
So no one moderates these boards to give us answers? After much searching and pressing of buttons, I did find my answers but it took me a while, which to me means it should be a little bit easier. I didn't know to click on ;learn more; for days on the home page.
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
There is a side panel on the left hand side that says books. Click it. There will be the genre map, a search books option, top books and... another option. I use search books and the genre map to find new books to read.
@Laurel We are moderating the site on a regular basis, yes, and I was just about to answer your question, but it seems RJ beat me to it! And she's absolutely correct.
In the left-hand navigation bar there are a variety of ways to look for new books to read. The Favorites and Buzz Books will also populate the top 10 books in specific subgenres if you have listed them as your preferred genres in your profile.
Joined: 4/27/2011 Posts: 6
Thank you to both of you! It just took me days to find it all and although I searched through everything. It wasn't that easy.
Joined: 4/29/2011 Posts: 1
Hi, I'm new to Book Country, but I wanted to add my two cents about finding books...I'm having a bit of a hard time too. I feel like every time I go to the 'Books' section I keep seeing the same ones. I know there is a search option, but since I don't really know a title that I'm looking for (more just looking for a good book to read) it makes it difficult to find something quickly. I would love to have a list of all Cozy Mystery, or General Mysteries etc. that I could just run down. Maybe there is something like this but I haven't found it? I do like the site (very much), but I wanted to add my feed back. nancy
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
Click the 'All Book Country" link and that will list all books in a specific genre type!
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 77
Michael Guarneiri has asked, in a discussion, for a review of his short story John-E. I'd like to do that, but I can't find it. I used the search books function but got no match.
Can you help?
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
@Philip: Click People. There will be a text box that says 'Search People'. Erase Search People, type Michael Guarneiri
Click the magnifying glass next to that text box. That will submit the search.
He will be the top result. Next, just click his name and that will take you to his page.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 77
Thanks for the directions, but I have been to his page. I see only two chunks of text, one long and one on the order of 600 words, but I don't recognize either as the work Michael would like to have reviewed. Am I blind to something?
Thx Philip
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
If you don't see it on that page I told you how to get to, the story isn't on Book Country anymore. You can see all of a writer's work by looking at that page. It is likely he took it down for edits or revisions.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 77
I infer from the request for review and the date of that request, as well as all the positive reviews and their dates, that the story was available on 4 May 2011, when I searched for it.
It would be simple to resolve this question if I could simply ask Michael directly where his work is. How do I do that?
Thx, Philip
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
I would ask him on twitter. You can find his info on the twitter roll call if I recall correctly. But, his story isn't on his page right now, so he must have taken it down. I'm sorry you couldn't find it on the search page -- I don't work here, I'm a regular user just like you.
He -was- talking about removing it for changes on twitter though, since I follow him. I suspect he took it down for the changes he was talking about. That was also on the fourth I believe. And, since it isn't on my bookshelf anymore, that is further support that he took it down, as I was following the story because I had reviewed it.
Like I mentioned before, you can view -all- of a writer's works from their page, unless they have taken it down / deleted it or have set it to private. Since the private functionality (as far as I know) isn't working yet, he must have deleted it.
Sorry I can't help you more than that. Your best bet is to try talking to him on twitter directly about the story. Book Country doesn't have private messaging.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 77
Thanks for all your help.
Situations like this would be easy to resolve if there were a visible record of take-downs. Then people wouldn't waste time looking for the no-longer-extant.
Thx, Philip
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 222
I'd suggest adding this to the suggestions post in the beta section of the discussion forums. That would be the ideal place to have your thoughts heard on that.
Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 77
Done thanks.