Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 12
Here's a fun tool someone posted to on twitter a while ago. Still in Beta, Edit Minion takes a chunk of your text, and highlights out lots of common writing errors for you- things like commonly misspelled words, adverbs, replacements for said, repeated words, passive and cliche words and phrases. Keep in mind when using it that what it's really doing is just a slightly clever word search, so it's not always getting things right, but it's still neat and can show you things you might not pick up otherwise.
Joined: 5/8/2011 Posts: 9
Just tried it out. Thanks for posting this. One of the things I like is that it does not correct problems for you, but highlights them so that you, as the writer, can see if it is something that really does need to be fixed. It also helps show you where your weaknesses are. Excellent resource!
Joined: 4/30/2011 Posts: 12
I'm hoping that since it's still in Beta, they will make it even "smarter" over time, in which case it could really turn into a great asset for writers.
Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 5
Thanks! Handy little gizmo. I'd just be careful in taking it too literally.
Joined: 11/15/2013 Posts: 10
Unfortunately it's in Christmas mode so I'll have to come back to it later, but thanks anyways.