Josh Stahl

Joshua Stahl is a young, aspiring author who will graduate from Milford Christian Academy high school in may, 2013.
Josh Stahl4/23/2013 Be the first to review this version JoshuaStahl

Bill Sherback

These are true (?) events. You, the reader, will be the judge of that. Written by a survivor. One who's mind has been through hell and perhaps remains there.
Bill Sherback4/23/2013 Be the first to review this version

Adele Oldham

Adele Oldham4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version

imran theauthor

imran theauthor4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version

J Higgs

Jasmin L. Higgs is a sixteen year old writer from the east of England and has a wide range of interests: driving her Airship and writing are just a few.
J Higgs4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version JazHiggs

M E Kinnett

Meghan suffers from being socially inept and a chronic procrastinator. Her favorite animals are unicorns. She is currently 22 and earning an English degree.
M E Kinnett4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version

Holly Wilkie

Holly Wilkie4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version

Kate M R

Since she was little Kaitlin had a passion for writing. 18 years later not much has changed except her style and skill. She hopes you enjoy reading her books.
Kate M R4/24/2013 Be the first to review this version KaitlinShorts

Jose Manuel Mansilla

Nacido en Madrid. actualmente reside en Valencia. Aficcionado a los zombis, publicó su primer libro el año pasado. En pueden leerse sus obras.
Jose Manuel Mansilla4/25/2013 Be the first to review this version Jose ManuelMansilla Tabares

India Holloway

India Holloway4/25/2013 Be the first to review this version

Maya Johnson

well I have been throught a lot in my life and I have always had a big Imagination so I thought writing a book would be cool and fun so this is why im writing.
Maya Johnson4/25/2013 Be the first to review this version MayaJohnsonMilwaukeeWI

richard davis

richard davis4/26/2013 Be the first to review this version

JaKari R Ford

A spontaneous individual JaKari Ford is a man who does not live life by the edge because a long time ago he jumped off and started to soar towards the stars.
JaKari R Ford4/27/2013 Be the first to review this version Ja'KariFord

Clay Wilkins

Clay Wilkins is a graduate of East Carolina University with a BS in Economics, is married to his high school sweetheart, and is the loving father of 3 children.
Clay Wilkins4/27/2013 Be the first to review this version ClayWilkins

Rick Taylor

I am a designer and writer of occasional pieces. This is my first attempt at writing anything as ambitious as a full length novel.
Rick Taylor4/27/2013 Be the first to review this version RickTaylor

Jen Mokhiber

Jen Mokhiber5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version

James R Walker

James Walker, a hemophilia advocate for youth and aspiring novelist. He has influenced many lives with his positive attitude and undying faith for the future.
James R Walker5/13/2013 Be the first to review this version JamesWalker

Chris Mikesell

Chris lives and teaches Sophomore English in the Dallas-area (Texas). He has published satire and short stories (which tend to be shorter than he'd desire).
Chris Mikesell5/13/2013 Be the first to review this version

Flor Nunez

Flor is 34 years old and lives in New york. Writing has played a role of great escape for her . An escape from a cold cruel world to a world of peace, a zone.
Flor Nunez5/13/2013 Be the first to review this version

Nathan Gray

Nathan is a library book vendor. When he's not hocking books, he runs marathons. When he's not running marathons he's usually holed up in a starbucks writing.
Nathan Gray5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version NathanGray

Jane Lynn Thornley

In her past lives, Jane Thornley has been an English teacher, librarian, painter, exotic tour host, artist, business owner and artist but always a novelist.
Jane Lynn Thornley5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version JaneThornley

Nicole Barnette

Nicole Barnette5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version

Steffy Charms

Steffy Charms5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version


Simply Antisocial is a soon to be college student, looking forward to getting a liberal arts degree. He is interested in music, reading, writing, and his dog.
Crutiaolaggo5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version SimplyAntisocial


NovelsCoffee is a complicated woman but that hard exterior covers a gentle heart. NovelsCoffee wants to write but it seems she is stuck in a no writing zone
NovelsCoffee5/14/2013 Be the first to review this version

FEugene Barber

FEugene Barber5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version

James Lower

James Lower was born and raised in Atlanta and now lives and writes in Chicago. An editor of journalism by day, he is hard at work on his debut novel by night.
James Lower5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version JamesLower

Eva Hudson

Eva Hudson was born and raised in south London. She won a writing competition aged 10 and hasn't stopped scribbling since.
Eva Hudson5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version

Alyssa McGrail

Alyssa McGrail is from Rochester, New York. And is in school for Fiction Writing at Columbia College Chicago. She is a big dog lover and loves to go to concerts
Alyssa McGrail5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version AlyssaMcGrail

T Malavong

I am a Flight Attendant who can always smile through the worse turbulence life brings on the job and off.
T Malavong5/15/2013 Be the first to review this version TMalavong

Hope Meredith

Hope Meredith5/19/2013 Be the first to review this version

Katrina Guinn

Katrina lives in a small town with her husband and two children. As a little girl she wanted to be a dancer or archaeologist. She dreams of living in Hawaii.
Katrina Guinn5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version KatrinaGuinn


DENNIS MILLER5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version DENNISMILLER


Aims5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version

Robert Hobson

I am a retired soldier, married, house husband, cook, maid, and do windows. I have a 26 year old daughter, and a dog. I write because I need to confess my sins.
Robert Hobson5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version RobertHobson


Ashly Lorenzana was born in Portland, OR in 1987 and remains living there to this day. She is best known for her work as both an escort and author.
ashloren5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version

MB McCreight

raised very basically in the same place for 90% of his life. but.... A VERY ORIGINAL AND HORRID MIND THAT RACES NON STOP WITH IDEAS AND DREAMS.. also married.
MB McCreight5/16/2013 Be the first to review this version BrandonMcCreight

Bill Kandiliotis

Bill Kandiliotis4/29/2013 Be the first to review this version BillKandiliotis

N K Navarro

N K Navarro4/29/2013 Be the first to review this version N.K.Navarro

Matthew Talley

Matthew Talley4/29/2013 Be the first to review this version


Too Deep is an avid fan of truth, honor, loyalty, laughter, chivalry and the Spoken Word. She is a Spoken Word Artist; Poet, Motivator and Writer.
TOO DEEP4/29/2013 Be the first to review this version

Alexandra Hartley

Alexandra Hartley loves to write historical fiction and to sing opera in the shower and the car. She is currently pursuing a degree in English and writing.
Alexandra Hartley4/30/2013 Be the first to review this version AlexHartley

Sarah Schaper

Hello! I am Sarah Schaper and I welcome you to my page. I am 21 years old and I am from the beautiful state of Michigan.
Sarah Schaper4/30/2013 Be the first to review this version

Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts5/1/2013 Be the first to review this version

Amy Richardson

Amy Richardson5/1/2013 Be the first to review this version

Brian M Kennedy

Brian Michael Kennedy is a business leader, technology enthusiast, public speaker, and author focused on both fictional and non-fictional topics.
Brian M Kennedy5/3/2013 Be the first to review this version BrianKennedy

Aubrey Lynn

Aubrey Lynn always had a love of writing and reading. Developing a love of history she became involved in genealogy.
Aubrey Lynn5/4/2013 Be the first to review this version Aubrey

Autumn Russell

Autumn resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and children where she's hard at work on her next novel. She enjoys reading, movies, and walks.
Autumn Russell5/4/2013 Be the first to review this version AutumnRussell

Steven Milligan

Steven Milligan5/4/2013 Be the first to review this version


After nearly 40 years of adventuring Alan Sendall, has enough material from real life experiences to write novels for the next 40 years.
AlSendall5/7/2013 Be the first to review this version AlanSendall