Joined: 2/26/2013 Posts: 2
Hi this is Kelly Duff from the Chicago area. I am super excited about this community and look forward to reading all about all of you! I am currently working on revising the first draft of my first finished novel. I have tons of other novels I've started before but this one actually has an ending! I started it in November with NaNoWriMo and hope to publish some time this year. Cheers!
Joined: 6/18/2012 Posts: 228
Welcome to Book Country!
Congrats on finishing your NaNoWriMo novel. We have a thread in General Writing Challenges (https://www.bookcountry.com/Community/Topic.aspx?id=45) around NaNoWriMo. (It normally heats up in the fall, in case you decide to go for the 2013 version.)
As I mentioned on Facebook, you've joined an incredibly warm and supportive community. (Book Country members, Kelly and I traveled in the same circles back in Chicago.)
Check out our community guidelines (https://www.bookcountry.com/CommunityGuidelines.aspx) and jump into the conversation.
I'm excited to read your writing.
Joined: 2/9/2012 Posts: 427
Hi there, Kelly!
Welcome to the community. My name is Nevena, and as the Book Country assistant I respond to emails from users and manage social media. So if you're ever talking with our Facebook or Twitter accounts, your best bet is that you're talking to me. =)
A good place to start on the site is the "How to use Book Country" section of the discussion forums (http://bookcountry.com/community/topic.aspx?id=40); it will answer questions you might have about reviews and star ratings, connecting with other people on the site, etc.
Let me know if you have questions!
Cheers. Nevena
Welcome Kelly Dive in, post some reviews, upload your work and be prepared to meet an astonishing variety of writers, editors and teachers here. As a newb myself, I've learned a lot from Book Country people. They've roundly criticized my work and entertained me in the process. What more can you ask for?