Joined: 11/20/2011 Posts: 24
Why is it so difficult to get someone to review one's book? If my logline, or brief synopsis isn't interesting enough then feedback on that alone would be good. I understand that mystery/romance isn't everyone's tipple, but I would still love a little feedback. I am in the horrible position where I'm under the illusion that my MS is ready for publishing.
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
I will review your book, gladly. I'm new, and so far I'm sampling, searching for a piece to comment on. You said the magic words! I'm seduced by your assertion that your ms is ready to go. What is the title?
I've looked at three things since I joined up (less than a week ago) and I've found significant problems with all of them, which I'm not ready to spell out. A hair-trigger response will not do. I must reread and think carefully, which is what I would wish from sanyone reading my work.
It's 5am, and I've got to get some sleep. I'll track you down tomorrow.
Mimi Speike
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
A quick update: I've found Twilight Path, skimmed it, and I'm already taken with the flow of your prose and your use of language. This will be my weekend project.
Here's my ultimate compliment: I've snatched a charming phrase to add to my note files on Court Life, Sea Life, Low Life, etc.
Flea-ridden beastie, I love it! You'll see why if you ever read my manic adventure, (not yet uploaded), Sly! Sly, Sylvester Boots, is the ultimate flea-ridden beastie.
Mimi Speike
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
Oh, my! Now I'm really excited about you. I just looked up your author info. We have so much in common!
I too am a fiend for research. And, I am a graphic artist and wanna-be illustrator. This is not so far-fetched. I studied illustration (among other things) in art school.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Mimi Speike
Joined: 3/13/2011 Posts: 102
Charl, you've asked the magic question. I've been active on the site and diligently wading through everyone else's stories hoping for return critiques. That strategy's hit or miss (usually miss). I'm sure I'll get to yours at some point soon. Until then, please share the answer if you find it.
Mingle. Get involved with discussions and talk with the other authors. Review more than just your required three and stay active. If you sit back and wait for someone to stumble upon your manuscript, it may take awhile.
Joined: 11/20/2011 Posts: 24
Hi Dennise, I do review many books and enjoy doing so. There are some good writers on this website. You and I definitely have much in common, Mimi. I will have a look at your profile.
Joined: 11/17/2011 Posts: 1016
Yes, yak it up! There are so many interesting discussions going on, how can you resist?
These folks are full of valuable advice.