Joined: 5/19/2014 Posts: 11
Hello my name is Dbl_Jay
Most people say Jay, either once or twice for me it doesn't matter I will answer either way, I found this site from one of the authors that I was speaking to by email and she recommended it to me. I just posted my first book for review,("Alone") I'm really hoping that as you review my story that it is worth the read.
I started this story many years ago curled up on the end of the couch, feet tucked in beneath me writing in a blank book, some times by candle light, sometimes by moon light. At the time I lived in Healdsburgh California, that's in the wine country, and there was a huge vineyard of grapes at the beginning of the road to the house where I lived. Now I say house because it is a normal thing to say, but it was actually a yurt, 16 sides no inner structural walls for stability, it was on a mountain 1 mile up from the main road that you drove in on.
It took me a while to fill that blank book, from there it was just regular notebooks and what ever scrapes of paper I could find when the urge hit me. Eventually it was to the computer and that's when the idea of a book really took shape for me, I could print it out, show people and get there opinion, and now I'm here ready for the opinions of authors and editors hoping that one day I can be considered as one of your peers.
So please read, most of all enjoy and I will take what ever is said into consideration, and please don't be shy if you want me to read your work as well, just drop me a note or leave me a message. I take great pleasure in reading.
Thank you Dbl_Jay