Joined: 6/10/2013 Posts: 11
I've recently spent a year writing in the first person for my book Madeline, and I love just being inside the characters head. It's part of an intended series so the the first person POV will stick. Now I've had new ideas for books that won't work out the best way if written in the first person POV, and since being stuck in a personal point of view, I'm finding it hard to write the story as an outsider in 3rd person instead of being inside! Any tips to flip me back into that mode?
I flip back and forth often, and I admit, I get confused sometimes. Here is a good article from grammar girl that I found helpful.
Joined: 6/10/2013 Posts: 11
Thank you very much for that! I do find it challenging to convince myself the material sounds just as good as if the main character is describing everything!