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Nice to meet you all!
Eric Bratcher
Posted: Monday, March 16, 2015 5:37 PM
Joined: 2/23/2015
Posts: 3

I'm Eric Bratcher, new member. I just want to say thank you to Lucy and you all for welcoming me so warmly. 

I just posted a chunk of my Middle Grade book, The Spider Queen and the Lizard King, and would love to connect with other writers. Especially if you like to write for boys aged 10-14. 

That's my whole pitch. Thanks again!



Amber Wolfe
Posted: Monday, March 16, 2015 6:19 PM

Hi, Eric. Welcome to Book Country


I don't know whether you'll click, but you might want to connect with Marlin55. One of his favorite genres is YA.


I see on your Profile Page you enjoy fantasy . . . I'm definitely sending you a connection request! Fantasy's my favorite genre to read and write in. And to welcome you, I'll take a look at your manuscript


Expect a review sometime this month.


Happy Writing!



--edited by Amber Wolfe on 3/16/2015, 6:22 PM--