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Cathie Whitmore
Posted: Thursday, November 7, 2013 12:09 AM
Joined: 7/31/2013
Posts: 8


From “Earth” to Planet “e


Content in my world of fantasy, as an author of children’s picture books, I have been adamant in my attitude towards the electronic world I identify as Planet “e.” A far away planet I had no desire to visit. However, in this electronic age, as a children’s author, I have been forced to rethink my situation and after producing three beautifully illustrated printed picture books, with the help of two very talented illustrators, have reluctantly succumbed to the electronic age with the release of my first eBook in December, 2012, followed by three more in 2013.


In this modern world we live in, I believe there is definitely a place for electronic books, but as a grandmother of eight, I am clinging to printed children’s books as long as I can.  Sadly, I can see that precious interaction between parents and grandparents reading with a child, slowly but surely dwindling away and running the risk of being lost forever. Consequently, I have narrated two of my eBooks myself, to add that personal touch and to give me the satisfaction of still in some way connecting with my reader.