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Yep, I'm a noob too
Posted: Monday, November 4, 2013 1:34 PM
Joined: 11/4/2013
Posts: 2

Hey all, 

I'm an aspiring writer, obviously. 

Personally I read a lot of fiction (fantasy and Science Fiction, but also mysteries and thrillers) and a fair ammount of non-fiction (A lot of medical and military oriented books). I am a 22 year paramedic (22 years as a paramedic, not 22 years old) and I am hoping to turn the past two decades of experiance, successes, and mistakes into an advice type book for new medics, something along the lines of "Your First Year as a Paramedic" or "The New Medic: Finding Your Groove", or even more likely "How to Survive As A New Medic, and Not Do The Stupid Shit I Did".  Ok, maybe that last title won't work, but you get the idea. I have has a 5 year urge to share my experiances and contribute something back to the profession. There are a literal metric ton of books on this subject for Law enforcement, Nurses, Teachers, and almost every other profession, but not for EMS. 

Currently I live, love, and work in Idaho, but have worked EMS in a nuber of different places accross the country. 


So thats it in a nut shell. 


Lucy Silag
Posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 10:06 AM
Joined: 6/7/2013
Posts: 1356

Hi, Steve!


Welcome to Book Country, and thanks for the introduction. It's so great when people share where they are coming from and we get to learn a little bit about their lives on here.


I'm about to send you a connection request so that I can private message you with what I like to call my "Book Country Orientation Packet"--a bunch of links to help you get started, though it seems like you are well on your way.


The book you're describing sounds like memoir--is that how you think of it? Have you checked out the memoir page on Book Country yet? You might look around and see what you think of that section.


More soon, and please don't hesitate to let me know if you need help!


Lucy Silag

Book Country Community and Engagement Manager