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Does Anyone Read Romantic Mystery?
Lee Geiger
Posted: Friday, September 30, 2011 4:58 PM
Joined: 6/18/2011
Posts: 2

I've written a VERY unique romantic mystery called PEARLS OF ASIA. It's a romantic mystery set in San Francisco which features a special gender twist. Think "Law and Order" meets "The Crying Game" meets "Sex and The City."  Women love this book, but would they look for it under "mystery" or "romance" Romantic mystery seems to be such a grey area. Just asking.
Marissa Priest
Posted: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:07 PM
Joined: 10/18/2011
Posts: 3

Does your work focus on the crime itself or the romance? Does the relationship grow around the mystery or vice versa? I find that romance can be seen in just about every single genre out there, so I wouldn't actually call it gray. Looking over my bookshelf, I'm seeing a lot of mysteries that have romance in them. It just gives the book an extra layer outside the mystery.
Dave McClure
Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2011 7:40 PM
Joined: 11/17/2011
Posts: 21

Call me a romantic...I won't be offended.  I like to read about people whose feelings are real.  Including romances lost and found.  Don't much care for graphic kinky sex, unless it is would tightly around the plot.  The best authors I have ever read make you understand exactly what is happening with just a wink and a nod.  That's classy, IMHO.  I'm kind of new here, so give me a day or so and I will wander over and take a look at Pearls of Asia.
M Romero Nunn
Posted: Friday, December 23, 2011 7:33 PM
Joined: 12/13/2011
Posts: 15

I understand your dilemma Lee. My book's in the same boat. I can't figure out myself if it's para-rom or para-mystery so I've asked people to yay or nay whether it sits in Romance when they review it.  But it looks like I'm going to have to put more chapters down as i'm getting 50:50 on it.

Okay. I enjoy romance books and, when written well, like the song says, love is all you need. But personally I find when I'm writing I need more than just a love story to work with so your story would be more up my street than a straight romance. Perhaps it's good that you fall into two categories because what pulls a reader can be so nebulous being a romance and  a mystery allows you twice the potential readership.