As an English teacher, I am subject to the English Teachers' Paradox: we love to read but have no time to do so. I read as much as my spare time (wait a minute: did I actually just use that phrase?) allows me to. A lot of my reading these days comes in the form of unabridged Books on CDs in the car: these are a blessing straight from heaven.
I am not one of those teachers who enjoys reading philosophical or educational books. I'm not that interested, really. I work enough already, thank you. And I read what I need to read for work when I need to read it. But for my enjoyment I prefer novels. And these novels are all over the map. I read YA, literary fiction, classics, chick lit, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, comedy, and, well, basically anything that remotely looks interesting. I particularly love things that blend, bed, or break genres entirely. My writing probably reflects that, which is why I have trouble deciding where to place my book on the map. :-)