Short Bio:
An assigned short story has evolved into a seven volume story. I feel it is now time for eyes outside my usual circle of friends to evaluate it.
KarenKay was born, raised, and still lives in South Texas. The land she lives on has been in her family since her great-grandparents arrived from Poland. She has a day job but has been writing since taking a Composition class at St. Mary's University many years ago and being encouraged to continue the short story she had written by a professor who was the greatest in the world. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, TX and is currently working on a Master's from Texas A & M.
KarenKay has four children (two boys and two girls), four cats, one Catahoula, a green thumb, and an affinity for crafts. She teaches quilting classes in the evenings when she isn't writing.