I have decided to write a book unlike any other book out there so you can walk in my shoes through my way to success. "The god book" as I have decided to name it after some extensive thinking. You are probably thinking why to write yet another book, as I write this book I find my self in the worse economic situation in my whole life, I will go so far as even showing you a current photo of my bank account so you know what I mean. But how do I know I will be successful, exactly in this book I will show you that to be successful, all you need is a successful mindset, I can show you many ways to make money, but yet you will always fail, instead I will show you how to stay positive and move forward against all adversity. This book will walk you through to all my mistakes and achievements and this business tips you will be applying to your social, personal and business life. "The God Book" will serve as guide for me to re-check my mistakes learn from them and to show you my path to success.