I am a romantic writer who after a career in the advertising business turned to writing news reporting for my own website, which besides news exposes, includes sports commentary. I have also developed a strong love of mysteries and romance novels, (I wrote ad brochures contributing to the strong growth of Harlequin Books in the late 1980s. I respect the work of Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, Hemingway, Chandler, Hammett, Hellman, Spillane, and am entertained by the movies of Bogart and Woody Allen, and love the image of the old time hard-bitten reporter, who survives on black coffee, Luckies. I wear a fedora and jacket and tie when I cover a story. I am now turning to developing stories and characters that carry on the traditional humanity of the lone hero, the maverick, the man/woman who fights for truth, justice and the American Way. I also have a strong interest in writing emotional, passionate romances.