My reading habits are diverse and sometimes confounding. At any given time you can find me reading the newest Grisham (a guilty pleasure) the newest Terry Brooks (because if you like fantasy, you better like him!), studies in anthropology and history, biographies, or native american poetry. I will read just about anything you put in front of me. Just about... My fantasy writing is influenced primarily by Brooks and Jordan. I try to balance a dense epic fantasy story with accessibility and familiarity so that anyone can pick up my story and be comfortable within its pages. I do try to bend some of the rules of language and structure, and some are a bit off-put by my occasionally lengthy sentences, but it is all done with the story in mind. My "realistic" fiction is a voice all my own (I hope!). Banal and psychological, I think it borders on the surreal at times. And it all takes place on Long Island.