My favorite genre is Paranormal Romance, but I read all others too. Im a professional Book-A-Holic, without a doubt! I love doing research, and really enjoy discovering new ideas to pursue in my writing. I'm fortunate to be able to do Reviews for some of the major Publishing Houses (Kensington, Avon, Signet, Etc.) so I get books before their Release dates. I have a Reviews page on my site: under "Kari's Korner Reviews". I'm also a Freelance Editor for one publisher, and on my own. I love "meeting" readers and other authors, and sharing experiences and likes and dislikes about books, so I'm on alot of Yahoo Groups (grin).
My Writing is considered "VERY sensual/sexual" though not erotic. One of my books, HUNTED MATE, did win the Award for the Golden Rose BEST Erotic, and I was very proud of that ---I hadnt thought it erotic, just HOT! (grin)
I'm very proud of all the Awards my books have won ---it continues to keep me humble and so happy that readers love them.