How did I come to do the Children of Orion Series? I've always felt that to be a successful story teller, one needs a good "yarn" in their system: a highly visual tale, populated with believable characters who struggle for a sense of purpose as they are forced to hit the ground running when unforeseen events overtake them. Just to be sure there's never a dull moment, add a twist.
Ray Bradbury states in Zen And The Art Of Writing that one must first determine what the main character wants most in life, then throw at them their worst fear. Joseph Conrad's portrait of a young man's excitement at the prospect of navigating a lifeboat across an expanse of open sea while his appalled older comrades contemplate their slim chance of survival, provided the initial inspiration for The Twins Aboves. Since I'm no Joseph Conrad nor a Ray Bradbury, my story quickly diverged in its own direction. Lucky for me you say? I'm really pleased with the way my unique world turned out.