In a hobby turned obsession, I began writing Jonathan's Cross just after the market crash of 08. I have always loved and studied the depression years. ‘Jonathan's Cross’ started out as a sort of 'how to' guide to surviving hard times, nicely wrapped in fiction. But the characters burst to life, took their own direction and a series evolved. ‘Elizabeth's Heart’ is the second book in the series. Recently released, it has taken some readers by surprise, as I have changed style and genre within a series. A risky, fun and exciting move. I adore feedback more than money and have made, for the summer of 2011, Jonathan's Cross available for free, asking readers to instead donate to a local food bank. Outside my books, I spoil my cats, love the simple life, make as much as I can by hand and work part time, feeling some guilt over 'wasting' a degree. I hope one day to overcome that guilt. I always answer emails and I will always gift a book to anyone who cannot afford it.