I have a bachelors in Journalism, and a Master of Science. I have worked as both a journalist, and a technical writer/editor. I am an avid reader of all literature, but have a special love for Young Adult books/writing. I am currently editing/revising a fantasy/dystopia novel, and have several ideas in the works. My next manuscript will be a contemporary YA. I am a member of SCBWI, the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, YALitChat, and Lighthouse Writers Workshop. I currently live in Colorado with my husband, two dogs and cat, where I work as an environmentalist by day and a writer by night. Random facts: I am extremely passionate about climate change issues and endangered species. I play the flute. I've had a 13 year (and counting) obsession with electronic music. I have talked two people out of committing suicide. I am so empathetic it hurts (literally).