When I was ten, I fell in love with an anime series: a space opera spanning three human generations, a saga that unfolded over 85 consecutive episodes and four months of after-school TV. Watching 'Robotech' was a spiritual experience for me. How many pleasures in life are better than a well-executed drama?
After that experience, I decided I wanted to be a storyteller when I grew up, hoping to someday inspire others as Robotech inspired me. Although I've written professionally and for pleasure for many years, it wasn't until recently that I got back around to my heart's desire when I was a boy: Telling the big story.
I've never had so much fun.
My novel 'The Black God's War' is an original dramatic epic fantasy and an homage to Homer with a multicultural flavor. My novella-length preview of the novel is available on Amazon.
I invite you to read a sample from my epic story and, more than anything, I hope you'll enjoy it and feel inspired by it to pursue your own passion.