Tawni is a deliriously happy wife to the man of her dreams and sometimes delirious mother of three young children. She spends her days digging in the dirt, tapping on her keyboard, chasing children around her back yard and sunshine down dirt roads. Her running shoes, her garden and her "pen" are her favorite vices and provide much therapeutic release. She is rendered useless without her morning dose of caffeine and has tried several times to relinquish the habit, to no avail. With her writing she works to create emotionally transparent, beautifully flawed characters and place them in stories that touch her readers in a very authentic place. A life-long learner, she believes whole heartedly that every story, read and told, truth or fiction, is an opportunity to gain something from the lives of the characters involved. She deeply values the creative journey, and enjoys emotionally engaging experiences both in life and in fiction..