I have a wide reading range, from Greek classics, histories, politics, to modern mysteries. My love is for the science fiction genre, it's what made me a reader, made me want to learn, and sparked a life long ambitin to write. At a young age I found that when some books I read ended, I was asking "where is the rest of this story?" (Didn't know that was the intent) I would add different endings, or think of how a character could be drawn out better, or start a new story altogether. I lean towards sagas and epics that span time and space. My writing interst are driving in the direction of social, political, and environmental future fiction with lots of inner conflict, necessary action, and complexity. Driven protagonists with their own demons to over come, and antagonists that are vile because what they want to gain is grand even beyond their own desires, with third forces that threaten them all is the way for me. Tall order, but that and being productive is whare I am aiming.