Fantasy and Science Fiction are the two halves to my heart. The Ying and Yang to my whole entire library. Nothing else will make me forget to eat or sleep.
My favorite books in these genres are the Chronicles of Narnia, the Guardians of Ga' Hoole series, The Giver, and Wings with its sequel Spells. Occasionally, I do like to read a good drama/realistic fiction. My favorites would be The Notebook and The Christmas Box with its two following novellas.
With these three favorite reading areas, my own writing has mirrored them. Ever since I can remember, I've liked building crazy fantasy worlds or sending my characters off into space on never-ending missions. Recently, however, I've turned a bit away from my childish roots and gone for more serious writing involving inter-personal relationships and self-healing journeys.
But as of yet, I haven't been able to credit my name with a single novel or even a short story. This will change though. Writing is hard, but it's still possible.