I was a sick as a little girl and my mother would bring shopping bags of books from the library to read so I would stay in bed. That's when I became hooked. I took the Famous Writer's Course (the one advertised on the inside cover of a matchbook?). It actually was useful, but for many years I didn't write, just kept reading like a maniac. All the classics, everything I could get my hands on. It made me very nervous not to have a book-in-waiting, ready to pick up when I finished whatever I was currently reading.
I think about stories while I am trying to go to sleep at night; the plot for my first novel, The Energy Collector came from my sleepy mind, but the only thing I committed to paper was a prologue. Then my daughters made me an offer, ''if you finish a book, we'll get it published'. We had no idea how difficult the journey would be. I'm very blessed, but not necessarily lucky, so it's fortunate that I'm the most stubborn person on the planet.