I will read and review speculative fiction.
My favourite sub-genre in order of preference are; Science Fiction and Horror. My least favourite sub-genre are Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. Please keep your sparkly vampires/zombies-in-love to yourself. I'm sure there is a market for it but it's not for me.
I don't like cliches and overused tropes. If you use them, I will not hesitate to point them out.
I don't like literary stories that have been slapped into a Sci-fi setting with little regard for the genre. The Handmaiden's Tale is an exception, not the rule.
If I like something I will comment on it heavily. This does not mean I am being overly critical, this means I am interested enough point out the rough edges.
If a story doesn't keep my attention or I lose the suspension of disbelief, I will stop reading it and bluntly state that I lost interest and didn't read any further. I will state why.
I know it hurts. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.