Being a former English teacher, Shannyn spent years reading the classics and had little time for pleasure reading, so she came to romance much later than most. Once she started, though, there was no turning back.
By the time she was devouring 3-4 books a week, her husband said, "If you're going to read that much why don't you just write a book?" so she did. Needless to say, that MS is safely tucked away and will never see the light of day, but it was a terrific practice book. Shannyn joined the RWA and began learning about the business end of publishing. She currently has a few partials and fulls out with agents as she works on her next novels.
Her web presence is non-existent as she is just beginning to understand social networking--something that scares the heck out of a wallflower with few social skills. Her goal is to begin a blog and Twitter and maybe even Facebook by this summer.