As a reader, I read almost anything. Paranormal, Romance, Sci-Fi, Horror, my taste are across the board. I am almost as happy with a good trip through space as I am hunting down a murderer, or walking hand and hand down the Louve. If left to my own devices, I will most likely pick up a series. The detail and character building you get from a string of books is more immersive and fun for me than a single dip into a characters life.
As a writer, I tend towards the darker side – Paranormal, Murder/Mystery, etc. or the satire/comical. I enjoy writing plausible story, even in a fantastic world things need to make sense…that’s my job.
I began my writing as a storyteller for games. Creating worlds that my players would experience always gave me more of a thrill than walking through the worlds already built for me. I hope to someday look back on a long career and know that I’ve sparked a creative interest in at least one person.
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